Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to Libby Lou

Well, our beloved furry girl, Libby Lou also turned 4 the week after Fu. So, we have "virtual twins" LOL We sang to Libby Lou and she just stared at us . . .like what. . .you people get so excited over nothing! She got a new bone and that made her happy. Fu loves Libby and she's so patient when she's being dressed up in a crown, hairbows, and lipstick. Poor dog!

Fu is 4!

Well, it's hard to believe that my baby is four years old! She's full of attitude, opinions, and makes us laugh. We are so blessed to have Fu in our lives. She had an awesome birthday and celebrated with family and friends. She picked Flip Flops as her "theme" for the party. The kid loves flip flops and begs to wear them even during winter.